Miscellaneous » For Parents » Safety Drop Off

Safety Drop Off

Safety Drop Off is set up as a safe alternative for parents of 1st through 5th grade students wishing to avoid the often stressful and chaotic morning rush to find a parking spot and walk their kids into school. 

The Safety Drop Off is a passenger valet service provided by Canfield parent volunteers set up on the east side of Canfield Ave. at the side entrance gate adjacent to the staff parking lot.

How does it work? It's simple to use, just drive south bound on Canfield Ave. between Pickford and Airdrome merge right into the Safety Drop Off lane marked by the orange safety cones and continue pulling forward and stop when you reach the "Stop and Drop Here" sign or when a Safety Valet indicates to stop. A Safety Valet will open your passenger side door and help your children out. Pull forward and continue down the street and off to work. "Kids dropped off safely at school? Check! "

Parent Volunteers are urgently needed to maintain and supervise this wonderful service throughout the school year. PLEASE VOLUNTEER and be a SAFETY VALET! IT's FUN and you are helping to Keep Canfield SAFE!! ! We need a minimum of 2 volunteers each and everyday. Please Sign Up Today! 

If you already use the service now or have in the past you know how convenient Safety Drop Off can be. Help make Canfield safe for our students. Please sign up for as many shifts as you can, especially if you ever use the service yourself. It's easy and fun. 

Set-Up: Set up of the orange safety cones and signs should start at 7:45am. Safety Drop Off equipment is in a shopping cart near the recycling bins. Place safety cones along curbside from the side gate entrance north to just before the school driveway near Pickford St. Drop off begins at 7:50 and ends at 8:10. 

Important Safety Valet Guidelines: Encourage drivers to pull as far forward in the drop-off area as possible. Wait until the car has pulled as far forward as the line allows and stops before opening the car door. Assist children exiting the car as needed. Keep the drop-off line moving efficiently by attending to the cars as quickly as safe procedures will allow.

Adult Volunteers Only: Children MAY NOT assist at the curb even if their own parents are on drop-off duty. If children are waiting in the drop off area because their parents are volunteers, they should sit or stand on the stairs by the gate away from the unloading area.